
A space is a virtual workspace. Like a physical workspace, each space can have its own unique set of members as well as guests. You can also create a space with only yourself as a member, to use for personal data organization or however you see fit. Each space corresponds to one or several space folders on your hard drive.

A space can contain any number of bloons. Each bloon essentially represents a project or theme. Members of a space can choose which bloons to join.

Toggling between spaces

Click on the dropdown menu labelled "Spaces" in the top left corner.


A list of all the spaces that you can access will appear. Select any space to toggle to it.


Creating new spaces

Click on the "Spaces" dropdown menu in the top left corner, then click on "+ Space" at the top of the menu to create a new space.


Deleting a space

To delete a space, you have to be its owner. The space must also have no members remaining besides yourself, and no guests. If these two conditions are met, you can delete a space by going into its space settings and clicking on the "Members" tab, then on "DELETE SPACES".

In case you were wondering why the "DELETE SPACES" button is located under the "Members" tab, it helps to realize that when a space is deleted by its owner, it's essentially being abandoned by its last member.


Further reading

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